Logistics Information

Parking is available at several school lots located near T stations. Detailed information is available here.

Registration will take place in the ground floor lobby. If you preregistered you will receive a pre-printed name tag. Staff will be on hand to assist with sign in to the Sched app for workshop selection

A light breakfast and box lunches will be available each day in the first and second-floor lobby areas. Vegetarian and vegan options will be available, please prioritize these for those who have requested them! You may eat anywhere in the Paramount theater, please be sure to dispose of all trash once you have finished.

Travel to and from Workshops at QJUS
Many workshop sessions will take place at the Josiah Quincy Upper School Building located at 900 Washington Street. Please note this is the middle school campus of JQUS, NOT their Arlington Street campus. The building is a 7-9 minute walk straight down Washington Street from the theater. There will be yellow school bus shuttles available at the following times:
Tuesday: 12:15, 12:30 and 12:45 pm from Paramount to JQUS
Wednesday: 9:30, 9:45 and 10:00 am from Paramount to JQUS
                  12:30, 12:45 and 1:00 pm from JQUS to Paramount

End of Day Survey and PDPs
There will be an end of day survey each day. In addition to gathering feedback that will help us improve, we will be using the survey to track attendance for the purpose of being able to issue PDPs. If you wish to receive PDPs for attending ALI please complete each day's survey and include your employee ID number when prompted.


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